Harford New to Scouting

Find A Unit Near You

BeAScout.org is super easy to use! Simply go to BeAScout.org and type in your address or zip code to be connected with a unit near you. Once you do this, the unit representative will reach out to you and tell you more specific information such as meeting dates and times, program opportunities, and where they meet. Have questions, contact Andrew Lupus for general questions or help.

Required Paperwork

Adult application

Youth application

Fee Schedule Updated 08-01-2022

Merit Badge / STEM Nova Mentor Counselor Application

(All Adults who wish to volunteer with the Boy Scouts of America are required to submit an authorization form giving the Baltimore Area Council, Boy Scouts of America authorization to run a background check the first time they register in that position.  Adults also need to complete Youth Protection training every year and submit their certificates to the Council, each time they add a position, join the District Committee, enroll as a Merit Badge Counselor, STEM counselor, or NOVA mentor for the FIRST time even if they do not have youth enrolled in the program. Thank you for doing your part to keep youth safe.) 

Helpful Terminology

The Boy Scouts of America uses a lot of jargon, let’s help you break it down a little. 

BSA: Boy Scouts of America

Council: A select region of the USA that has a headquartered office in it that serves units. Ex. Baltimore Area Council covers 5 counties in Central Maryland and Baltimore City.

District: A smaller breakdown of a specific area within the council. Ex. Harford District, a geographical area that serves Scouts that covers Harford County, MD.

Troop: Group of youth participating in the Scouts BSA program.

Scouts BSA: Scouting Program designed for youth aged 11-18, where youth participate in activities, earn awards and move up in ranks similar to the military based on how many awards are earned and go camping. The highest rank is Eagle Scout.

Ranks in Scouts BSA

  • Scout
  • Tenderfoot
  • First Class
  • Second Class
  • Star
  • Life
  • Eagle

Cub Scouting: Scouting program designed for youth aged 5-11, where youth participate in activities, earn awards and move up in ranks, go camping, and is more family-oriented with heavy parental involvement with the younger scouts.

Ranks in Cub Scouting:

  • Lion
  • Tiger
  • Wolf
  • Bear
  • Webelos
  • Arrow of Light

Venturing: Scouting program design for youth aged 14 – 21 heavily focused on high adventure and some rank advancement, but also fun and friendship. Available for women and men, who are in mixed groups under one unit. Youth also learn the values of Scouting.

Ranks in Venturing:

  • Venturing
  • Discovery
  • Pathfinder
  • Summit

Crew: Equivalent term to Troop, group of Venturing youth, co-ed (boys and girls)

Sea Scouting: Scouting program designed for youth aged 14 – 21 heavily focused on developing nautical skills and rank advancement. This program is heavily focused on “getting your sea legs” through learning sailing skills, kayaking, and canoeing, etc. while also teaching the values of Scouting.

Ranks in Sea Scouting:

  • Apprentice
  • Ordinary
  • Able
  • Quartermaster

Ship: Equivalent term to Troop or Crew, simply a group of Sea Scouts who are scouting together. Co-ed (boys and girls)

Order of the Arrow: This is a service fraternity adults and youth are eligible to join, to join you must be nominated by your unit and elected by the other members. They focus on community and scouting service and often you’ll see them working on community service projects or camp improvement projects.

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