Harford Merit Badge Counselors

Welcome to the Harford District's Merit Badge Counselor Page

What is a Merit Badge?

Merit Badges are patches that Scouts earn to advance to different ranks. These patches represent specific fields of study that Scouts have shown mastery of in order to earn the badge.

What is a Merit Badge Counselor?

A merit badge counselor is a registered adult volunteer who helps teach and mentor a scout through a Merit Badge.

More information on specific merit badges and advancement processes can be found here

Share your Passion with Tomorrow's Leaders!!

Have you ever wanted to share the passion you have for your hobby or profession with someone else? Here is your opportunity! There are 136 merit badges available and new ones being added every year. Scouts in our district are looking for experts like you to counsel them on these topics and activities. How can you become a Merit Badge Counselor? It’s easy:

Click to download and review Merit Badge Counselor Orientation Training [ broken link ]

Take Youth Protection Training online

Fill out a BSA Adult Registration Form with Position Code 42 and Position Description of Merit Badge Counselor, (No fee) English and Spanish

Fill out a Merit Badge Application

Provide the Merit Badges that you would like to Counsel along with your experience

Indicate if you would like to be available for all Scouts, just Harford District Scouts, or Scouts in a specific troop.

Submit the Merit Counselor Application form, BSA Adult application, and the YPT certificate to the Advancement Committee:

Email the scanned documents to Jenn Kuck, the Merit Badge Dean, and/or Deliver the Documents to the Advancement Committee at the Harford District Roundtable

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