Harford Camping Database

The below links to the Harford District Camping and Activities database is designed to give units an easy accessible source of outdoor camping and activities opportunities located in our area.

The database provides links to the camp name, home page, Facebook page, camp type, activities offered, location, site maps, estimated distance, estimated travel time (all distance and travel times are measured from 1 St. Mary’s Church Road Abingdon, MD 21009).

The current database is in beta release (10/04/2017 Beta V2.0) and only lists several dozen entries but will be expanded over time (as time is available).

The entries listed in this database are listings to outdoor camping and activities and as always it is up to individual unit leaders to judge the appropriateness of the activity for their specific program and should see the Guide to Safe Scouting for guidance.

If you would like to suggest additional entries, have any questions, and/or find any type errors, omissions or corrections to entries located within the database, please contact:

Jim Grant
Harford District Advancement Chair

Harford District Camping/Activities Database

For the map links to work on the above pages, please make sure that you enable pop-ups.

Change log

2017-10-02 – Corrected google maps API and database so that when sorting by distance the sorting was accurate.
2017-10-04 – Create view detail record summary, added printing, custom actions link to map, PDF download support and ability to filter by activity type.

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